
Residents take matters into their hands

Charles Allen is president of the Holy Cross Neighborhood Assn. in the Lower 9th Ward.

Ithink it’s important that America knows this is a region where folks are doing what they can to undertake their own recovery.

In 2006, communities came up with strategic plans; 2007 has come to be year of implementation. High crime, poor healthcare and lack of quality job opportunities cause us to reassess whether we stay here or move. But folks realize that until we get a certain population back to establish a sufficient tax base, these problems will persist.

The federal government needs to remember that recovery here is a long-term process. It would be nice if folks in other parts of the country impress on their congressional leaders and others to continue to help.


There will be disasters in other vulnerable areas of the country. We need to learn recovery lessons here and be there for one another.
