
More on cyclists, drivers, runners

In response to the article about cyclists [“On the Mean Streets of L.A.,” Aug. 13], I live near and run up and down the arroyo to the Rose Bowl every day. The road has no shoulder or gutter or anything. However, there is a trail for runners.

I am writing about the runners on the same street every Saturday and Sunday who run three or four across at maybe a 10-minute-mile pace. I have run for 30 years, and I wish to tell the drivers of cars that when I encounter a road without a shoulder and I see an oncoming car -- I get the heck out of the road.

Marcy B. Dyment

South Pasadena


There’s a simple reason the general public is antagonistic toward bike riders: Their multicolored outfits are offensively hideous in general. . . . More specifically, the skin-tight pants the exhibitionists wear are virtually pornographic and have no place in decent society. I credit L.A.’s drivers for exercising restraint.


Tony Richland

Sierra Madre


We never hear about the many miles that are bicycled safely without incident.

Statistics show that the death rate per hour of bicycling is about the same as that for being in a motor vehicle -- and by that measurement, bicycling is less risky than activities that are considered relatively safe, such as swimming. Furthermore, these statistics don’t capture the health benefits of bicycling and that most reported car-bike crashes could have been avoided by defensive cycling techniques.

Brian DeSousa



I go out of my way to avoid bikers because you never know what they will do. Have you ever seen a biker riding sidewalks? I walk two Aussie shepherds every day, and when I see or hear a pedestrian coming, I move them to the side and make them sit.

Bikers, however, will come up from behind, riding fast, and will without a doubt make all three of us jump. They never warn us that they are there. They have come quite close to hitting me a number of times.


One time, one came so close to one of the dogs that he nearly hit her. She pushed him out of the way. The biker cursed us for being in his way and yelled at us to move over, plus told me to control my dog, which he nearly hit.

Courtesy goes both ways. I don’t mind bikers on the sidewalk if they feel safer. But they need to remember I have the right of way and if I am blocking their path, it is up to them to go onto the street -- or at least warn me, then stop and wait for me to move.

Phoebe Weber

