
God at the game: Fair or foul?

Re “Should God go to the ballgame?” Opinion, Aug. 19

As the California and Western region director of Log Cabin Republicans, an organization of gay and lesbian Republicans, I feel compelled to respond to Tom Krattenmaker’s arguments against public displays of Christianity at athletic events. Replace the word “Christian” with “gay” and you would find a similar screed vented recently in San Diego about events for gays and lesbians. The point of these events is to allow groups to publicly identify themselves, feel a little proud of who they are and have a good time. If we are going to condone one, we can’t condemn the other.

Gays and lesbians want the same thing as Christians -- to be themselves honestly and openly without having to worry about others trying to shame them. There is one small difference between our community and the Christian groups at these events -- we don’t recruit.

James Vaughn


I recently attended a Giants game in San Francisco on Jewish heritage night. I’m not Jewish; nevertheless, my heart warmed at the sight at circles of families and friends drawn together by their commonly shared religious faith and culture, enjoying a fun-filled summer night together at the ballpark.


I don’t know whether God is a baseball fan, but I think he might be pleased if we all lightened up and showed more geniality toward each other, even if we don’t all pray in the same pew -- or in any pew at all, for that matter.

Richard S. Kimball

Highland, Calif.

There was a time when the social contract had a dictum: “Don’t discuss religion, politics or money.” Nobody was compelled to express a view that was diametrically oppose to his own. People got along better.

What would make Third Coast Sports President Brent High think that mixing religion with anything is a good idea? Religions don’t even mix well with one another. Need proof? Mixing politics with religion hasn’t helped President Bush, or the nation, for that matter. The greater the separation and isolation of religion from the political arena, the better we’ll all be.


Larry Diaz

San Marino

I am eagerly looking forward to atheist appreciation day at Dodger Stadium.

Ed Greenman

Los Angeles
