
Zimbabwe looks a lot like Cuba

Re “The party’s over. Will Mugabe ever leave?” Current, April 1

Martin Meredith describes the collapse of the structures of Zimbabwe’s once fairly prosperous nation under dictator Robert Mugabe’s ever-worsening rule. It was almost like reading about Cuba when Fulgencio Batista took over in the 1930s. At first, Batista ruled from behind puppets. When he gathered in the reins of power by doling out land and infrastructure to the rich and then chumming up with American interests and Mafia figures, he felt free to take over directly. The big difference was that Cuban peasants and students revolted. Batista and his pals, most of whom ended up in Florida, were kicked out.

I suspect that when Mugabe finally goes, there will be a similar exodus. The civil and military leaders who depend on Mugabe’s largesse, and those who became wealthy from his dispensations, will leave the country. In their place, I don’t doubt, will arise another dictator who will grasp any spoils left behind. Has the “civilized” world learned nothing in the past 70 years?


Woodland Hills
