
Corporate crunch is not just for papers

TIM RUTTEN’S article “Their Eyes Are on Wrong Bottom Line” [Sept. 16] is not only relevant to the L.A. Times. It is absolutely dead-on about all corporations that are fixated on the bottom line rather than on the people who keep the company from falling right through that bottom.

Without those of us dumb enough to do the jobs of two or three people, the quality associated with companies like The Times would definitely deteriorate, and eventually their reputation and profits would also go downhill.

Fortunately for those in upper management, there always seem to be workers who want to do a good job, even if they are not supported by the money-crunchers who are busy acquiring new companies and cutting jobs to please their stockholders. They seem to have no idea of the ultimate costs: an overworked, unhappy, disloyal workforce and products that reflect profit over pride.



Los Angeles
