
After a hard week at Dunder-Mifflin, she likes to dream

MINDY KALING is a multitasking maven at “The Office,” writing, producing and costarring on the NBC hit on Thursday nights. Kaling, who previously drew notice in “The 40 Year-Old Virgin,” lives in L.A. and, not surprisingly, spends weekends that feature an actress’ glitz and a writer’s imagination.

Someplace glamorous

After a grueling week in the unglamorous Panorama City offices of “The Office,” the last thing I want to do is drive back to Hollywood during rush hour. I dream of splurging and booking a heli to get airlifted out of there, “Babel”-style, but not as dirty or scary -- no traffic jam at Hollywood and Highland, no Little Ethiopia sluggishness.

While I’m dreaming, I’d get dropped off at the fabulous Westwood W hotel for a date with one of those guys from “Friday Night Lights” or, at the very minimum, a costar from “The Office.” Then it would be dinner at Urasawa in Beverly Hills. I like the yuba, this delicate, delicious soy-skin pasta that melts in your mouth.

Seeing Polkadots

On Saturday, I’ll go to Roscoe’s for waffles and coffee, and to read scripts. I insist on some degree of independence, you know? But the scripts always stink. Anderson, Shyamalan, Anderson, Apatow, all terrible. Honestly, how dare they send me this stuff!


OK, back to reality -- and time to shop. I usually ring up a huge bill at Polkadots & Moonbeams on 3rd, then it’s on to Sirens & Sailors on Mohawk in Silver Lake. I’ve learned that I’m basically into any shop named Whimsical Thing & Whimsical Thing.

I’d flirt with the clerks at American Apparel and check out the outrageously tawdry stuff from Agent Provocateur on Melrose.

Then I’d grab a taco from Alegria on Sunset.

After that, I’d just relax and recover from a full day of shopping. People always are saying, “Hey, Mindy, come hike Blinderman Trail with me!” or, “Let’s go to Point Dume and walk on the beach, Mindy!” and I’m like, “Hell no, I don’t exercise.”


Breakfast cupcakes

On Sunday, I’ll go to Joan’s on 3rd Street and order four mini-cupcakes for breakfast. Then the day is all about TiVo’d “Battlestar Galactica.” After that I’d head to Borders bookstore on Sunset, because I need to read to keep it real.

Later, I’ll go to dinner at Melisse with my friend Topher Grace. (Seriously, I do.) He usually gets the venison and I get the paper-roasted rabbit. It’s kind of a romantic restaurant, but really more foodie-ish than romantic, so Topher doesn’t get any ideas. The downside of the impeccable service is this: Someone is always filleting fish tableside near me and I get emotional. Then Topher has to take me home, because I’m always a real mess.
