
New black eye for Angelina Jolie film

From the Associated Press

Angelina Jolie’s bodyguards on Thursday allegedly roughed up parents and students at a school in the Indian city of Mumbai where the star was filming scenes for her latest movie, with one guard calling parents “bloody Indians,” witnesses said.

Thursday’s fracas was the latest in a string of violent confrontations Jolie’s Western bodyguards have been involved in since the star arrived in India last month to film parts of “A Mighty Heart,” a movie about slain American journalist Daniel Pearl.

The incident began when the gates of the Anjuman-e-Islam school, which had been locked during filming, were opened to allow parents in to fetch their children, leading to a clash with the security personnel.


Dallington TV, a British production company that organized the shoot, blamed the scuffle on photographers and television cameramen who it said rushed into the school to get pictures of Jolie.
