
Minifilm festival in DVD form

Washington Post

Are you a movie buff who would love to visit Sundance or Tribeca but just can’t swing a visit to one of those big film festivals? Then the Docurama Film Festival I might be just the ticket for you.

Docurama, a label dedicated to bringing documentary films to the home entertainment market, has selected 10 films (available for $26.95 each or as a complete set for $229.95) and created a website,, designed to foster a festival experience in the comfort of your home.

Obviously there’s no way to truly re-create the film festival experience at home, but Docurama does achieve its more essential goal, which is bringing attention to worthy films that might otherwise be overlooked. They are:


“Aging Out” -- Follows three foster children as they “age out” of the system and are on their own for the first time. It was co-directed by Roger Weisberg and Vanessa Roth.

“Broken Rainbow” -- Narrated by Martin Sheen, this Academy Award-winning film recounts the forced relocation in the 1970s of 12,000 Navajos from their Arizona homeland.

“Doing Time: Life Inside the Big House” -- This Academy Award-nominated film explores life inside the walls of Lewisburg, a maximum security federal penitentiary, where director Alan Raymond spent five unescorted weeks.


“Full Frame Documentary Shorts Vol. 4” -- Brings together a collection of compelling short films from the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival in Durham, N.C.

“Legacy” -- Narrated by teenager Nickcole Collins, it follows the Collins family over five years as they deal with poverty, drug addiction and violence.

“Sister Rose’s Passion” -- A look at Sister Rose Thering, a nun who spent much of her life fighting against anti-Semitism.


“The Fire Next Time” -- A penetrating look at Kalispell, Mont., and the tensions rampant in it as it undergoes rapid growth.

“Omar and Pete” -- Examines the barriers faced by two men who have spent a combined 30 years or so behind bars as they try to make it on the outside.

“The Police Tapes” -- Filmmakers ride along with New York cops on nighttime patrol in the South Bronx of the late ‘70s.

“The Wobblies” -- A remembrance of the Industrial Workers of the World, a.k.a. the Wobblies, who organized unskilled workers and fought for eight-hour workdays and fair wages.
