
‘More bad students than ... bad teachers’

Re “One teacher, no escape,” Opinion, June 21

Methinks Karin Klein doesn’t know from hell. As a high school English teacher, I can tell her that I’ve had students from a rung Dante never dreamed existed. I agree with her that the notion of assigning students to the same teacher for their entire high school career is a horrible one. However, her supporting evidence -- a litany of her bad teachers -- is tiresome. Trust me, there are more bad students than there are bad teachers. It makes me shudder to think of dealing with certain students for four years. I feel as if I have won the lottery when certain students are absent for one day. I applaud her for speaking out against the student-teacher pairing idea. However, educational reform, which we desperately need, won’t happen if we continue to blame teachers for all the system’s ills.


North Hollywood
