
Seated stretch improves flexibility, posture

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

A key to good posture is keeping your hips and shoulders limber. This means getting out of your chair or off the sofa more often and sitting on the floor. If you find it uncomfortable at first, firmly fold up some blankets and sit on the front edge or sit on a rolled yoga mat. Regular bouts of practicing this pose will help increase your hip flexibility and stretch out your shoulders.

-- Karen Voight


1 Bend your knees and sit with crossed legs. Use your hands to move your feet so your ankles are under your knees. Balance evenly on the front of your sitting bones. Inhale and stretch your arms overhead. On an exhale, lift your spine and revolve your shoulders as you turn the palms of your hands backward. Do not allow your chest to puff out or your lower back to overarch.

2 Interlace your hands overhead and, on an exhale, relax your neck and shoulders while pressing your palms toward the ceiling. Hold for several breaths, then release your hands and reverse the cross of your legs and the interlock of your fingers. Repeat on the other side.
