
Celebrity adoption: laudable or shameful?

Re “Brangelina’s an ugly role model,” Current, June 18

Katharine DeBrecht’s op-ed article is ugly and archaic in its argument. Angelina Jolie contributes one-third of her income to charity and adopts children many married couples do not want or can care for. Jolie can afford and will love as many children as she can adopt. Those children will never know hunger, fear or abandonment in her and Brad Pitts’ care. They will grow up respecting other cultures and races and know that humanitarian deeds are more important than a piece of paper. That is more than I can say for most married Americans -- and for DeBrecht.




Thank you, Katharine DeBrecht, for pointing out so eloquently that “Brangelina and other celebrities have made a mockery of marriage and family.” Just as soon as we stop gays from despoiling the sanctity of marriage, we should turn to Hollywood. And what about those politicians who trade in new “trophy wives” every few years? It is outrageous, and we must put a stop to it.


Oak Park
