
Making the case for charges of racism

Re “Raza isn’t racist,” Opinion, June 15

Raza isn’t racist. Baloney! The Academia Semillas del Pueblo sounds as if it’s heading toward becoming a madrasa. School funding should be withdrawn.

Legal Hispanics should learn English and assimilate into the American culture. Illegals should go home, learn English and apply for citizenship from their home country.


Westlake Village


So the racist chants and dogma of MEChA aren’t to be taken seriously because they are relics from the ‘60s, and members really don’t mean it. So why doesn’t the group change those things? Why doesn’t it state its true mission and goals, if its goal is not to recapture Aztlan?


“Everything for the race, nothing outside the race” is a racist comment, whether it is made by whites or Mexicans.


Newport Beach
