
What’s good for Chile may be good for U.S.

Re “Former Political Prisoner Is Chile’s New President,” Jan. 16

Isn’t it remarkable that a woman has been elected president in Chile? This small country struggling toward democracy has more foresight and common sense than all of our politicians in Washington rolled into one! Wake up, women of America!

As the United States grows closer and closer to a theocracy, and our Constitution is assaulted daily, our nation still doesn’t have the courage to elect a woman to our highest office. There are women out there who are better or as good as any man elected president.

Maybe, just maybe, war would never again be the answer to finding world peace. Maybe our tax dollars would be used to feed, clothe and house the poorest of our own country and the world. Just imagine what $6 billion a month could do for the world instead of supporting war and destruction.



