
Telling the story of New Orleans

Re “Misery on Every Corner,” Column One, Feb. 7

Some New Orleans leaders oppose public tours of the areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina. I support every means possible for tourists to see firsthand the damage in that city. Major devastation always attracts the public. Friends visiting Los Angeles in 1994 wanted to see the damage from the Northridge earthquake. While visiting New York in 2002, my first tourist stop was the site of the World Trade Center.

Many New Orleans tourists return home to tell their friends and relatives of the Katrina-devastated sites. I am sure many visitors then write their Congress members, tell them of their experiences in New Orleans and ask for continued government support. They become advocates for the people of Louisiana and Mississippi. This is how democracy is supposed to work.


Valley Village


I want to thank The Times for the Column One and other articles about the devastation to New Orleans. We here in New Orleans know that others have suffered losses both to property and spirit, but the situation here is unique in that such a large metropolis has been stricken. Our community does need the support and protection of our great country in order to rebuild.


Please keep those of us in Lakeview, in Gentilly and Mid-City in your thoughts.


New Orleans
