
U.S.-Chinese relations, definition of ‘security’

Re “Hu’s visit nothing to celebrate,” Opinion, April 20

Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s well-reasoned article on China was a pleasant surprise. She avoids playing off the public’s insecurities, an approach that allows the public to consider the issue through thoughtful deliberation rather than irrational fear. Although I am in fairly strong disagreement with her on many points, I applaud her for resisting the powerful congressional temptation to regress into a new breed of Cold War anti-communist ideologue.

The debate over how America should respond to the growth of China is of crucial importance to this country and the world. It is the responsibility of our elected officials and media to ensure that it is not conducted by the sort of fear-mongering that clouds the issues and leads to unsound policy.


Cambridge, Mass.


Pelosi states that the priority of China’s rulers is “regime security.” Tell me how that differs from the congressional Republicans’ and Democrats’ priority of lifetime “seat security?” Both parties make me sick and have displayed an indifference to the good of our country.



Hansville, Wash.
