
Can someone take command in Iraq?

Re “Another Retired General Joins Battalion of Rumsfeld Critics,” April 14

There is room enough for blame and praise for all those involved. Disregarding whether we should have attacked Iraq, the military did a superb job in unseating Saddam Hussein and his ruling group. They did their job effectively and “took the hill.” The failure has been in planting and nourishing the seeds to make democracy feasible in a nation that may not be ready for such a form of government. Certainly, that is not a military function by any stretch of the imagination; nor is it strictly an activity that should be the responsibility of the Department of Defense.


Los Angeles


With recently retired Army and Marine Corps generals now waiting in line to denounce the Bush/Rumsfeld plan -- or lack of one -- for the Iraq war, maybe the generals in the field should just give the order and bring themselves and our troops home. I know, chain of command and all that, but enough is enough.


Yucca Valley
