
When Money Talks

This giant man of peace, vilified by his government, hated by America’s home-grown racists, Muhammad Ali, who taught the world about standing up for righteous personal beliefs, sells his legacy for $50 million. While I understand wanting to guarantee his descendants steady income for generations (one hopes this company is very successful and understands the heavy burden to treat Ali’s image respectfully and correctly), you can’t help but think this marketing firm just got one of the world’s biggest bargains and Ali, “the Greatest,” sold himself short by a huge amount.


La Quinta


I’m no one to tell anybody how to spend his hard-earned money. But for Andre Miller, the former Clipper, from Compton, to make a donation of half a million dollars to the University of Utah, when kids in his old hometown don’t even have books or desks in some instances, seems a little out of whack.


Sherman Oaks
