
Pants on Fire

The electorate is often discovered by pollsters to be skeptical of the trustworthiness of those in public office. Which means we think they tell fibs. Sometimes corkers. Rudy Navarro, twice voted in as city treasurer of South Gate, declared himself a college graduate working on his MBA when his only diploma was from high school. Is there any way to account for the risk of circulating a vita that bloated? Nope, says Raphael Sonenshein, a CSU Fullerton professor of political science. “In this day and age, the precision of your storytelling is your downfall.” That makes us feel like catching a quintuple feature:

“How I Got into College” 1989

“Back to School” 1986

“The Treasurer’s Report” 1928

“I Am My Resume” 2003

“Liar Liar” 1997
