
Use of the gerrymander as a weapon of choice

Ethan Rarick, an avowed Democrat, says, “I will support a nonpartisan redistricting of Democrat-dominated California on the same day I can be assured of similar fairness in Republican states” (Opinion, Oct. 2).

That’s the problem with today’s Democrats; they want to follow someone else’s lead rather than exhibit the kind of responsibility and accountability that would eventually result in their return to national political dominance.


Apple Valley


Rarick, a Democrat, admits gerrymandering isn’t fair but sees it as a necessary tool to fight Republicans. If Proposition 77 passes and California’s electoral system is reformed, some states with Republican majorities may not do the same; advantage Republicans.


Until every state is forced to do the same thing through a constitutional amendment, Rarick would happily disenfranchise all Californians. Apparently fair is really unfair and unfair is fair. I say, no fair. Democracy should trump partisanship every time.


