
While Darfur Dies, Bush Administration Nods

The article “U.S. Focuses on Aiding African Union in Darfur” (May 12) might more aptly have been titled “After Declaring a Genocide, Bush Abandons Darfur.”

For the Bush administration to oppose the bipartisan measure that passed the Senate is a travesty. Due to administration opposition, House Republican leaders deleted the measure from the final version of a supplemental appropriations bill. The measure had called for sanctions against Sudan and a “no-fly” zone to stop the killing of innocents in Darfur.

The administration labeled what is happening in the Darfur region genocide; President Bush boldly declared “not on my watch,” clearly meaning that he would not allow a genocide like the one that occurred in Rwanda to happen during his administration. Now, to have the unmitigated gall to actively work against a serious move by Congress to exert pressure on Sudan to stop the genocide in Darfur is outrageous and should offend the hearts, minds and souls of all Americans, be they Democrats or Republicans.


Shame on the president and shame on the American public if we stand idly by while yet another genocide is carried out.

Janice Kamenir-Reznik

