
Street Maintenance Hits Dead End in the Valley

Re “L.A. Takes a Shine to New Streetlights,” March 26: I have been a resident of Studio City for three years; my house is on a rather steep, winding and hilly road, which is in terrible condition. It is so bad that I have received notices from the postman asking me to contact the city to repair the pothole that is directly in front of my mailbox. I have called Councilwoman Wendy Greuel’s office numerous times. Each time I am told that there is no money in the budget to have this street repaired. With each downpour, the condition of the street deteriorates.

When I read that the city has installed more than 1,000 “old-fashioned-looking lamps ... as part of street renovation projects in various neighborhoods” at a cost of $7,500 each, I was appalled. Does the expenditure of $7.5 million on such projects override the need to maintain the condition of the streets in existing residential neighborhoods? I voted against the secession of the San Fernando Valley from the city of L.A., but I now understand why so many people were in favor of secession.

Steven M. Pato

Studio City
