
A Pick-Me-Up for Lonely Plants

Plant sitters may be the next segment of the workforce to lose their jobs to a high-tech replacement. Thanks to a time-release product called DriWater, travelers can now leave their prize azaleas and other plants unattended, knowing they won’t need water for up to 30 days. DriWater is a nontoxic mixture of 97.85% water, 2% food-grade cellulose gum and .15% alum that isn’t so much dry as jelly-ish. It comes in 9-ounce Gel Pacs, which are ideal for most potted plants. Before leaving town, simply slit open the 2-inch tube, place it on top of well-watered soil, and the enzymes in the dirt will turn the gel into liquid refreshment over time. If only it were as easy to get the dog squared away. DriWater 2-inch Gel Pacs, $1.59; quart-size cartons for large plants, trees and gardens, $2.49. For more information, visit
