
Puzzling Over the World

No need to mope over missing the Napoleonic era. The mega-maniacally inclined can still conquer the world--or at least a 12-inch-diameter replica. The Esphera 360 globe is a geographically correct spherical puzzle with curved plastic pieces that fit together smoothly to form a display-quality model of the Earth. World unity is especially challenging, however, because of all those little blue pieces that form the water covering 70% of the Earth’s surface. The easily frustrated can always resort to the assembly guide wheel included with the puzzle or peek at the back side of the pieces, which are numbered sequentially. The puzzle comes in 960-piece, 12-inch-diameter and 540-piece, 9-inch-diameter versions, with more variants due in June. All puzzles come with a display stand to showcase your own little world.

Esphera 360 12-inch-diameter puzzle, $49.99; 9-inch version, $34.99; available through For more information, visit
