
U.S. Should Lead by Example and Disarm

In “High-Risk Nuclear Stakeout” (Feb. 27), the danger of further nuclear proliferation from Pakistan to Iran is described. It is only one of many frightening nuclear scenarios.

It should be evident by now that there is only one way to prevent further descent into the abyss. The U.S. must lead by example and disarm. Global disarmament of all weapons of mass destruction is the only sane option. Our nation has the key to reversing the ever-escalating danger from runaway nuclear ambitions.

Only by taking the first steps in global nuclear disarmament can we persuade the world to follow suit. No amount of rhetoric on our part or threats will persuade other nations to stop nuclear development. They are only reacting to what they perceive as a threat to their own survival.


In a world where the most powerful nations reserve the right to develop weapons of mass destruction while preaching disarmament to the weakest nations, the nuclear genie will forever haunt us.

Tanja Winter

La Jolla, Calif.
