
Corporate greed fuels illegal immigration

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Re “A law that means business,” Opinion, July 12

Tamar Jacoby claims that the meatpacking industry in the Midwest would have collapsed without an influx of illegal alien workers.

Meat processing was a well-paid unionized craft until the 1980s, when big corporations were allowed to bust the unions and fill their plants with illegal immigrants. Wages in the industry fell by roughly 50% in real dollars during the 1980s.

Today, a meatpacker makes roughly $10 an hour, which is the same wage paid in 1980! Have you ever heard of an industry that had to lower wages because of a bona-fide shortage of workers?


Americans will do any job that pays a living wage.

The problem isn’t workers, but the greed of big business and their enablers in Congress and the White House.

Ronald Iltis

