
Come rain or come shine

I thoroughly enjoyed Meghan Daum’s column (“Civility’s Brief Reign,” Jan. 20). I am part of the vast minority that wears real clothes. In my book, the current oddly dressed generation are all members of what I call the “C” Club (as in “clueless”). Its membership is mammoth in size, running the gamut -- from cellphone users at the grocery checkout line who talk to their friends about their latest social disasters, to drivers who give you the finger as they are preparing to run you over.

Pam Cornwell

Los Angeles


Bravo! Meghan Daum is clearly the unacknowledged great-great-great-grandniece

of Jane Austen.

I look forward to what she will do to the gum-chewing, customer first-naming, false-friendly service personnel our business culture seems

relentlessly bent on turning out. Or what she might say about the loud, mindless, lyrically repetitive pop Muzak played at too loud a volume in restaurants, bookstores(!) and even outdoor malls these days.


Bring back the rain!

Stanley H. Nemeth

Garden Grove


It doesn’t matter how young people are, the older generation is also looking like hell. And I do mean older -- people who should know better.

Is there any hope? Perhaps global cooling will bring the hoped-for change.

Yvonne Troutman

Seal Beach
