
In the Eye of the Beholder

I’ve become used to your anti-Bush bias, but your Opinion section cover (Jan. 16) slamming the Bush administration has left me near speechless. So I’ll leave it at that. Seeing it is disbelieving it.

Karl Simon

Manhattan Beach


I applaud The Times for its creativity in asking the Spiridellis ( brothers to give their visual perspective of President Bush’s second term. The president has much in common with P.T. Barnum, the “master showman” and “patron saint of promoters.” However, they differ in that Barnum’s hucksterism and spectacle entertained audiences all over the world, whereas the odious nature of the president’s policies continue only to shock and awe those at home and abroad.

Barnum allegedly once said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” How else could Bush have been reelected and be so confident that he has the public’s support to do as he wishes?


Wendy Wanderman

Santa Monica


Sunday’s L.A. Times has reached a new low, both in bad taste and in journalistic objectivity, with your cover “cartoon” in the Opinion section.

I don’t ever recall seeing a similar cover lambasting a Democratic administration.

And you should be especially ashamed of your portrayal of Condoleezza Rice, arguably a leading American policy thinker, not to mention that she is an African American female, as the bearded lady.

Mark E. Buchman

Los Angeles


Let’s hear it for the JibJab brothers! Page 1 of the Opinion section was definitely a winner. We have to laugh to keep from crying.


Barbara and Kurt Gary

Mar Vista
