
Chick’s Audit Is Criticized

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Times Staff Writer

Reviving a political fight over alleged wasteful practices at City Hall, a budget official for Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn has accused City Controller Laura Chick of overstating problems with the purchase of police cars and computers.

Chick issued an audit last month that alleged that the city takes too long after it buys police cars and computers to use them, wasting money by storing them in warehouses.

In a 13-page response released Wednesday, Julie Kirwan, executive director of Hahn’s budget office, alleged that Chick’s report did not substantiate problems and “ignored” standard audit requirements, including “timeliness, accuracy” and “objective reporting.”


Storing police cars that are waiting for retrofitting is cost-effective and does not harm public safety, Kirwan wrote.

Chick, who withdrew her endorsement of Hahn’s reelection, said she stands by her report.
