
City Council Creates Fund to Hire New Police Officers

From a Times Staff Writer

Los Angeles City Council members voted unanimously Friday to create a fund to hire more police officers, using savings from other city departments.

Councilwoman Wendy Greuel, who pushed for the plan, said she hoped the city eventually would generate $17 million, enough to hire about 1,700 police officers.

She said the fund would complement Measure A, which voters will consider Tuesday. That measure would raise the county sales tax by half a cent, to 8.75%, with proceeds to be divided among the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the Los Angeles Police Department and smaller agencies.


If the measure passes, the LAPD expects to be able to hire approximately 1,260 officers.

But Police Chief William J. Bratton this week said a 35% increase in the 9,100-officer force is necessary. That amounts to more than 3,000 new recruits.

Greuel said that although accumulating enough in the special fund could take years, “What this allows us to do is set that goal and look for efficiencies.”
