
Men Are From Mars, Women Go to College

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Re “A Growing Gender Gap Tests College Admissions,” Nov. 21: I say, more power to the females. They have stepped up to the plate to be the best. So, what’s the problem?

It is very disturbing to read of the colleges considering lowering the standard just so more males could be admitted to those colleges. Let the best, not the so-so, win.

Vicky Fong

Los Angeles


The fact that girls are outperforming boys academically is not news. Where was this article 10 years ago when all we heard about was the “crisis” in girls’ education and how the education system needed to be changed because it inherently favored boys. As the story points out, there is indeed a gender imbalance (which has existed for some time) and it does not favor boys.


Even at the height of the 1990s’ anti-male hysteria, girls were significantly more likely to graduate from high school and attend college, were more likely to take leadership positions in school and were, on average, outperforming boys academically.

The 1990s’ solution? Favor girls even more. Anyone interested in hearing an alternative perspective on gender in education should read “The War Against Boys; How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men” by Christina Hoff Sommers. The fact that it took a woman to write this book speaks volumes by itself.

Peter O’Neill

North Hollywood


Am I missing something? When there was a preponderance of males in the colleges, diversity didn’t matter. Now that females dominate the college population, diversity is a big concern.


Maybe a country run by females should be given a chance. Look where we are with men predominantly in power.

Ilene Oller

Los Angeles
