
One Princess Doesn’t Speak for All Brits

“British Racism Can Be a Royal Pain” (Commentary, May 27) is not about British racism in general but the attitude of one crusty old royal in particular. The offending diner, Princess Michael of Kent, is widely reviled in Britain for her attitudes toward commoners in general -- of whatever color. And her penchant for lavish and fawning treatment has prompted the tabloids to nickname her “Princess Pushy.”

If Gary Younge suffered a hard time growing up, from a few morons, well, that’s a shame. But if he takes a look at modern Britain he will see a tolerant, multiracial society that is every bit at ease with itself as is his adopted home of New York.

Younge may also want to reflect that Britain has already had both a Jew and a woman as head of its government, a claim that tolerant, multicultural America cannot yet match.


Neil Fletcher

Santa Monica
