
Still Taking Sides on Immigration

Re “Melting Pot Still Bubbles,” editorial, March 11: Fact is, it’s bubbling over. When will you learn to spell “overpopulation”? The editorial praised at length the cultural contributions of immigrants, briefly noting for balance that there might be economic disadvantages. But when will editors start reading their own newspaper, which for years has reported (1) shortages of water and electricity; (2) overcrowded schools and freeways; (3) skyrocketing costs of housing, public services and infrastructure; and (4) lost habitat, fisheries, forests and farmland?

Kenneth Pasternack

Santa Barbara


I’m glad The Times offered a critique of Harvard professor Samuel P. Huntington’s specious conclusions about Latino immigrants. My grandfather came to this country legally, worked hard, saved, touted education, watched wrestling religiously, ate at Wendy’s every Sunday and considered becoming a citizen one of his proudest moments. If that’s not Anglo-Protestant values at work, then perhaps Huntington should write an essay on what the term means.

Kenneth Garcia

Manhattan Beach
