
Bush Intensifies Hunt for Bin Laden

Apparently the U.S. is intensifying the hunt for Osama bin Laden in order to try to capture him before the election. I have one question: Why was an intense hunt not started immediately after 9/11, instead of completely devastating two countries, killing over 540 of our troops, injuring thousands more and killing many thousands of people, mainly children, in these countries? Or was the move into Afghanistan purely to enable the oil pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan -- and the detour into Iraq to benefit Halliburton, etc., and to grab the oil?

Bin Laden seems to have been on the back burner until the prospect of the reelection arose. What happened to the honor and integrity that our “fearless” leader was going to restore to our country?

Walter Maloney

Los Angeles


Why all of a sudden the push by the Bush administration to capture Bin Laden? I see election-year politics written all over this maneuver. President Bush will stoop to anything to get reelected.


Kenneth L. Zimmerman

Huntington Beach


Re “The U.S. Is Brewing Up a Disaster for the Kurds,” Feb. 29: A federal system based on ethnicity or religious sect will only destabilize and divide Iraq into three regions: Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite. The present administrative structure of Iraq should be upheld, under which it is divided into 18 units. Elected representatives in a national Iraqi government should represent each unit.

Rashad Aldabbagh

