
Were these two on the same boat?

THE article about the repositioning cruise aboard the Norwegian Wind brought back recent memories as I was on the same ship [“Sweet Reward Pinching Pennies on the Pacific,” May 30].

What also might be mentioned was the great service, many of the beautiful restaurant hostesses being from Eastern European countries.

I also got good service from the ship’s doctor, a young man from Cape Town, after I fell and broke a toe.


Later, on crutches, strangers offered their condolences and experiences, and I learned that broken and sprained knees and toes are not that uncommon aboard ship.

Just a word of caution as a cruise is not necessarily care-free.

Kurt Sipolski

Palm Desert


I have to take exception to the article on the Norwegian Wind.

We were on the Norwegian Wind last October from Los Angeles to Miami. We have taken 27 cruises. This was the worst cruise we ever had.

You could rarely get into the dining rooms. Even if you did, it usually took at least two to 2 1/2 hours to eat. Many times you waited 15 to 20 minutes before any waiter showed up. This ship was not designed for free-style cruising.


There was no covered deck space. I wouldn’t send my worst enemy on this ship.

Jack Brewer

Simi Valley

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