
Who Knew He Was the Retiring Type?

Serious mental illness isn’t something that just goes away or that one grows out of. It must be diagnosed and treated with appropriate therapy and medication -- probably for a lifetime. We shouldn’t throw our hands in the air criticizing Ricky Williams’ actions, but try to understand the place where he is coming from.

Hal Ballmann

Westlake Village


Ricky Williams got tired of being media meat. The guy looked around him and saw our NFL icons walking like ducks ... if they can walk at all. Remember that Ricky left millions on the table to prove himself.

And this to Miami fans: Why is it not OK for Ricky to walk away relatively whole, but OK for him to be crippled (a la Bo Jackson) before he is discarded like that fish in the fridge that smells kind of rotten? And please tell me why the whole episode is cloaked in marijuana when half the league uses it. Get over the glitz and move on.


Tom Sloss

Fountain Valley


I am wondering if Ricky Williams has spoken with Kobe Bryant lately. Or is it a coincidence that as soon as Shaq arrives in Miami and proclaims it “his town,” Williams retires. Maybe he doesn’t want to play in the same city as Shaq either.

Bryan Wiedeman

San Clemente
