Weighing Morality -- Beheadings vs. Bombs
Re “They Behead; We Do It With Smart Bombs,” Commentary, July 4: Michael Takiff says we must admit that the accidental, collateral killing of an innocent child in an act of war is just as immoral as a deliberate beheading. His claim betrays precisely the kind of muddled thinking terrorists wish to instill with their horrific public exhibits of murder and mutilation. The inevitable collateral damage of acts of war is a legitimate argument against war in general. But to equate such damage to the coldblooded murder of an innocent is preposterous. The terrorists who commit these murders do so for shock value and publicity. They should be pleased with the effect they have apparently had on Takiff’s thinking.
Claude Harvey
Pacific Palisades
Adding to Takiff’s article: At least they know, in fact, whom they are killing by beheading. We aren’t sure whom we kill with our “smart bombs.” Let’s all stop the killing.
Gail Kearns
Woodland Hills