
Everyone has advice for Oscar

Why didn’t “Cold Mountain” receive a best picture nomination (“Best-Picture Shutout Ends Miramax’s 11-Year Run,” by John Horn, Jan. 28)? Maybe academy members were offended that the filmmakers went to Eastern Europe to make a quintessential American story.

David Berman



It is disappointing that the academy overlooked some outstanding performances.

Bill Nighy stole the show as an aging rock star making a comeback in “Love Actually.” And Sean Astin gave an inspiring performance as Sam in “Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.”

Kenneth L. Zimmerman

Huntington Beach


A pox on Oscar voters who fell for the hugely expensive hype that bought “Seabiscuit” a most undeserved best picture nomination. A truly great book was turned into an OK movie -- but best picture? Not in this lifetime!


Joel Rapp

Los Angeles


I take exception to the vague claim in one of your Oscar briefs (Jan. 28) that, unlike Errol Flynn, Johnny Depp gave “Oscar legitimacy” to the pirate film role. Flynn’s portrayals of pirates were always charming, even heartwarming, a much more difficult achievement than the silly, stoned and drunk pirate performance of Depp, whose leftist views in this time of war are obviously the main reason for his Oscar nomination.

John Portillo

