
Limit Immigration to Save Sierra Club Legacy

Re “Saving the Sierra Club,” editorial, Jan. 26: The true “hijacking” of the Sierra Club came with Carl Pope and his cronies. After almost 50 years as a member, I quit in despair three years ago when it became apparent that the board of directors had no intention of looking at the most obvious and most persistent destroyer of the wilderness that the Sierra Club was founded to preserve. Those true conservationists now running for the board are the ones who recognize that U.S. overpopulation, which is almost entirely due to our recent flood of immigration, is totally counterproductive to the wonderful aims of the Sierra Club’s founders.

Allen Jamieson



After reading “Infinite Ingress” by Lee Green in the L.A. Times Magazine (Jan. 25), I am very motivated to join the Sierra Club and vote yes on limiting immigration into this country.

It seems like no other group is going to bite the bullet and take a stand. The Democrats won’t act, and the Republicans are advocating an amnesty for illegals. What other group will talk about this elephant in the living room?


From your editorial, it seems The Times feels that this country and this state have unlimited open land and that we need more convenience stores, housing tracts, gas stations and super malls ... but at the cost of bears, elk, deer and birds, not to mention mountain lions.

Say goodbye to the animals in the field so you can get your front lawn cut for $5, and let’s see if you need it cut without any water!

Paul Dale

Los Angeles
