
Commercialization of Outer Space

Re “A Cheaper Way to Go: Mars Inc.,” Commentary, Jan. 22:

After reading Max Boot’s goofy and geeky rationale for his proposal to coax private entrepreneurs to foot the considerable bill for a round-trip ticket to Mars, the first thought that came to mind was, let’s condemn all the Martian enthusiasts -- nincompoops like Boot included -- to spend the rest of their lives on that godforsaken fourth rock from the sun.

If the Max Boots of this world want to spend untold billions of taxpayer dollars simply to do something they consider “cool” in all their jejune wisdom, then, I say -- to paraphrase an infamous quote from a blithely ignorant celebrity figure who was known for her cavalier attitude toward meeting basic human needs here on Earth -- “Let them eat red dust from the Red Planet.”

Rickey C. Mantley

Los Angeles


Commercialization of space travel would no doubt be a dignified, classy endeavor. I look forward to astronauts with corporate logos slapped all over their suits, like NASCAR drivers (to say nothing of what the capsules would look like -- a giant bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red, perhaps). Onboard cameras will capture the occupants, selected more for sex appeal than scientific skills, mugging while devouring Kraft brand Desiccated Entrees (“Just add water for zesty, out-of-this-world flavor!”).


Soon after landing on the planet, Mars’ mysterious face will be renovated with a satisfied smile and a cigarette sticking out of its mouth with “Marlboro” carved into the rock beneath it. And, a short 20-minute Lincoln-Mars rover ride from the base site, behold: “The Apollinaris Patera Volcano -- Sponsored by Viagra.”

Sean Gannon

Los Angeles
