
Remember the vital role wrists play

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

Developing strong wrists will make it easier to grip heavy objects, such as a pot filled with hot water and pasta, and can prevent injuries caused by lifting or carrying awkward or heavy items. If you play golf or tennis, performing these wrist curls may enhance your game.


1 Sit on the edge of a chair or bench with your feet shoulder-width apart; hold a dumbbell in your left hand. Bend forward and rest your left forearm on your left thigh; your palm should face your leg, with your hand extending beyond your knee. Place your right hand on your left arm, just above the wrist, for support.

2 Slowly curl your wrist upward; keep the dumbbell level and your forearm on your thigh. Do not let your forearm lift off the thigh as you curl the dumbbell toward your body. Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Do 12 repetitions, then repeat with the dumbbell in your right hand.


3 Reverse the position of your left hand, turning your palm away from your leg. Place your right hand on your forearm for support. Perform reverse wrist curls by curling the dumbbell down (think of pointing your knuckles toward your knee).

4 Slowly flex your wrist by raising the dumbbell upward. Pause, then return to the starting position. Do 12 repetitions, then repeat with the dumbbell in your right hand.


-- Karen Voight
