
Readers recommend

Switzerland: Lovely hotel

Hotel du Lac, Hoheweg 225, CH-3800 Interlaken, 011-41-33-822-29-22, fax 011-41-33-822-29-15, “This grand old hotel is in a picturesque location on the River Aare, just off Lake Brienz. Large rooms with bath, radios and TV. Waterfront restaurant; English is spoken as well as other languages. Excellent starting point for excursions into the Jungfrau region of the Alps. Next door to a train station.” Doubles start at $182 a night.

Dick M. Blue

Tampa, Fla.

Iowa: Farmhouse B&B;

Home on the Hill, 1208 J Ave., Kalona, IA 52247, (319) 656-5300, “Lots of peace and quiet, but lots to do, too, at this marvelous B&B; in an old farmhouse near Iowa City. There’s a sparkling outdoor pool for the warm months and luxurious indoor Jacuzzi for the winter, along with big-screen TV. Homey furnishings and a chance to visit nearby Amish farms.” Doubles from $80 a night.

Deborah Cohan

Los Angeles

Send recommendations to “Readers Recommend”/Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@la

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