
Persian Gulf is well worth a visit

I wholeheartedly approve of Susan Spano’s attitude toward that odd vocation, travel [“2003: Despite World’s Cares, the Road Still Beckoned,” Dec. 28]. The only thing that disappointed me was her concentration on places that are cliched. I suggest that she branch out a little.

This suggestion may seem off-the-wall considering the state of the world right now, but she shouldn’t neglect the Persian Gulf. I’ve lived in Oman since 1988, and this is one of the more interesting spots on the planet. There are 16th and 17th century forts, mountains that make climbers drool, diving as good as any in the Red Sea, the Caribbean or the Great Barrier Reef, and people who are laid-back, friendly and probably the least politicized in the region.

Virgil V. Williams

Muscat, Oman

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