
Children’s Letters Cheer Soldiers and Veterans

Re “Young Pen Pals Help Marines Weather War,” Jan. 10: What a beautiful and inspiring story about the silver lining in a very dark cloud. The kids and teachers at Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School should be applauded, and bravo to the Marines for visiting the children. It doesn’t require a war to produce such mutually beneficial results when kids and servicemen and -women are united. There are many veterans in our Veterans Affairs hospitals to whom a card, note or letter would let them know that they aren’t forgotten and that we care about them. For three years, the kids and teachers at Dayton Heights Elementary School in Los Angeles have been providing the veterans at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center with Veterans Day cards and, in December, holiday cards and decorations. I salute those kids, as well as the kids at Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Chuck Petithomme

