
Republicans Give Up Environmental Ground

Re “Republicans Are at Risk of Becoming an Endangered Species,” Commentary, Jan. 2: Pete McCloskey points out the role that decent Republicans have played over the years in improving our standard of well being and protecting our environment.

These days we do have a lot to fear from the Republicans in office. But more alarming than the current crop of corporate-engineered GOP politicians is the sloth of the Republican voters to fight back and hold them accountable. While wearing their GOP-issued rose-colored glasses, the world seems right, but Rome burns.

They need to be reminded that the management of Earth and the protection of every creature on it is a God-given duty bestowed to man -- not something redefined three years ago by a group of fallible bureaucrats at a trough of special-interest money.


Don Leeper



McCloskey’s commentary served to remind me why I was once a proud Republican. It is so sad that the party has moved to serve only corporate interests at the cost of our futures. Even corporate leaders are more interested in short-term profits as opposed to long-term growth and sustainability of the corporation. Leaving the GOP did not change it, but at least I don’t share the guilt.

Mal Towery

San Luis Obispo
