
Minesweepers for Iraq, Not Rockets for Mars

Re “NASA’s Rover Touches Down Safely on Mars,” Jan. 4: Instead of spending almost $1 billion to land a craft on Mars, perhaps we could better use the taxpayers’ money on finding a solution to the staggering casualty count of our service members in Iraq. Why do our military convoys continue to be victim to roadside bombs? Doesn’t the military have ground minesweepers? Better yet, why not use tanks for daily patrols in hostile (all of Iraq) territory?

The front page has a photo of men cheering about Rover’s landing on Mars. Does anyone really care, except for those involved in this wasteful endeavor? Will anyone ever be able to live on Mars? Why don’t we solve the myriad problems on Earth before we use our limited resources on another, uninhabitable, planet? Someone must care about the steadily increasing loss of lives of our soldiers in Iraq. Or do they?

Charles Jones

