
They’d Like to Give Dodgers Straight A’s

The Dodgers don’t need Oakland General Manager Billy Beane, they just need to start thinking like him.

What a steal the A’s picked up recently, former Dodger first baseman Eric Karros for about a million bucks a year. The first time Shawn Green boots a ball at first base or Paul Lo Duca’s short frame can’t snare a ball down the first-base line, I’m going to be reminded of one of the worst Dodger transactions in years: Karros and [Mark] Grudzielanek to Chicago for nothing!

Larry Yells

Hermosa Beach


I pray that I will live a few years more, so that I can witness the turnaround of the Dodgers under the leadership of Paul DePodesta.


Imagine! A general manager who understands that getting on base is the only way to score runs! No more having to suffer through Tom Goodwin, Marquis Grissom, Daryle Ward and Tyler Houston. Finally, a GM who will let the minor leaguers know that the only way to advance through the organization is by demonstrating a knowledge of the strike zone. Finally, a team that will score runs! Finally, the Dodgers move out of the Dark Ages and understand that sabermetrics are the key to winning.

More decisions like this, and I might just grow to like Frank McCourt.

Kevin Webb

San Bernardino


Recently, For the Record corrected a statement that had appeared in Patt Morrison’s column. It seems Ms. Morrison had written in her column of Jan. 27 that California had only four major league baseball teams.

I’m willing to wager that she had not forgotten how to count up to five, but had properly determined that the Dodgers simply didn’t fit the definition.


Burt Prelutsky

North Hills
