
Are the Democrats Backing the Right Man?

Re “Clark’s Hard-Charging Campaign Comes to a Close,” Feb. 11: The Democrats have chosen a lackluster, all-talk, no-action senator from Massachusetts as their nominee over a person with a proven record of sticking his neck out to do the right thing and finding a way to get it done. They have thrown away the only candidate who could pull back the 5 million to 10 million “Reagan Democrats” in this country, the only viable candidate who is not up to his neck in lobbyist money, not to mention the only candidate with an innovative tax reform proposal that would actually benefit the middle class.

This reminds me of the last regular election for governor in California: The Republicans backed Bill Simon Jr., the far-right millionaire who financed his own campaign, over a far superior candidate, Richard Riordan, who would have pulled independents and even Democrats. And, of course, we know what happened. I hope the same fate doesn’t befall Sen. John F. Kerry and the Democrats in November.

Alex Murray


Howard Dean’s declaration to stay in the race no matter what happens in the primaries (Feb. 10) reminds me of the end of the movie “Thelma and Louise.” Dean owes his supporters much more leadership than he shows by staying in the race. Ultimately, Dean’s supporters will thank him if he goes out with dignity and, right now, he still has the chance to do that. After Wisconsin, that opportunity is likely to be gone.


Barry Naiditch

El Cajon
