
Proud ‘Rings’ fan

After reading “ ‘Rings’ Films: Chick Flicks?” by Patrick Day (Feb. 1), I admit it! I am a 50+ woman who has become a LOTR geek. I saw “The Fellowship” when it originally came to our shores here on Catalina. I didn’t see “The Two Towers” in the theater, but purchased the DVD last year. With great anticipation I waited to see “The Return of the King,” and have already seen it four times, which is not enough for me.

Never in my half-of-a-century life have I been so captured by a film. At the heart of it is the actors’ (God bless them all!) ability to portray the God-given qualities of love, honor and self-sacrifice. It’s exactly how we all would aspire to be in our own lives as we face challenges to go on and not to give up. They’ve also shown us how we can’t make it alone; we need one another.

I believe the LOTR trilogy has brought inspiration to many of us. Peter Jackson and his most excellent cast and crew have done all this without one four-letter word or any scenes involving sexual contact. Could Hollywood possibly gain any wisdom from them?


Tamara Stockstell

Catalina Island
