
Strength of the U.S. and U.N. Questioned

It would appear that the world’s only superpower is looking more like a paper tiger, as we can see in our relations with Europe and Iran (“U.S. Options Few in Feud with Iran,” Dec. 13). We cannot offer a credible threat of military action against even relatively small and weak Iran, where we would encounter a land mass three times that of Iraq, a population nearly three times that of Iraq and virulently anti-American. Any military action against Iran would not only unleash the wrath of Hezbollah against American targets around the world, but with 150,000 U.S. troops pinned down next door in predominantly Shiite Iraq, we would probably see an enlarged Iraqi insurgency the likes of which the U.S. military surely does not wish to contemplate. Iran’s military is also quite capable of directly attacking American targets inside Iraq as well as in Israel.

Perhaps the Bush administration should brush off its best diplomatic credentials and seek humbly to join the international community in pursuing its goals.

Putting forth a comprehensive plan for global nuclear disarmament -- including our own -- might be the best way to get everyone to listen.


Mark Stephens



In my opinion, if the United Nations cannot resolve the nuclear threats of Iran and North Korea, then the U.N. has no practical value and is irrelevant.

Let us not forget that Iran attacked a U.S. Navy ship and that the U.S. has suffered not only the 9/11 horror but several embassy bombings, a Marine barrack bombing, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the USS Cole bombing.

We are at war with the Islam extremists. To not face reality is alarming.

The United Nations is of no strong value to our safety and security; extreme Islam is an immediate threat.


I applaud the strong position presented by Undersecretary of State John Bolton. At some point, continued and babbling discussions without facing the real issues is of no value.

George W. Zeissner

Fountain Valley
