
Aiming to Get Out the Fabulous Vote

Voting makes you fabulous.

Or so says a website targeting the estimated 21 million single women who didn’t vote in 2000. (named for Carrie Bradshaw, Sarah Jessica Parker’s character on “Sex and the City”) exhorts women of all political persuasions to go to the polls election day.

“Not voting is like always letting a man pick your drink,” reads the pink and purple site, created by San Francisco development manager Jean Seo, 32. The site includes voter registration forms, state-by-state voter registration deadlines, information about absentee voting and links to election resources like the Federal Election Commission.

Seo is raffling off a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes (the designer footwear favored by Bradshaw) to visitors who refer their friends to the site.


Seo, a Democrat, says she hopes to “dispel the image that single female voters should not be taken seriously till after marriage.”

“They have a very serious attitude about taking care of themselves and their families. To be brushed aside and ignored in an election is completely outrageous,” she said.

Seo’s site is not the first to home in on single women voters. sends volunteers from Pacific Palisades to battleground states like Florida and Arizona to help women at malls and college campuses register to vote. Although the group has registered a few Republicans, it’s trying to build support for Sen. John F. Kerry.



Representing Girls

And those little women too young to vote but still seeking a political voice now have a candidate of their own: Barbie.

The iconic doll is running as a candidate representing the “Party of Girls.” She revealed her platform -- promoting world peace, helping the homeless and caring for animals -- at the Toys R Us store in Times Square this month.

The limited-edition “Barbie for President” doll from Mattel is available in conjunction with the White House Project, a nonpartisan group that works to promote women leaders.



Who’s Counting?

58%: Share of 1,002 adults surveyed by teeth whitener BriteSmile that thinks Sens. John F. Kerry and John Edwards have a better set of smiles than President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.


Duly Quoted

“Arnold’s a mega-gazillion -- you know -- dollar superstar. I’m just a Jersey guy. I think I’ll go on the New Jersey Network.” -- Actor and comedian Joe Piscopo in a CNN interview Friday, on whether to announce a run for governor of New Jersey on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” as California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger did.


Compiled from staff, Web and wire reports by Times staff researcher Susannah Rosenblatt.
